Saturday, October 12, 2019

Are You Ready?

Oh the shout it came from Heaven 
and the trumpet blast was loud.
The Saints were all a'rising 
who once were buried in the ground.
I met Jesus in the clouds 
and we walked along the way.
Saints we must be ready 
when His shout comes on That Day.
Oh you gotta get ready
Won't you all be ready?
Our Lord is coming soon
could be mornin', night or noon.
You must call upon His name
He'll meet you where you are.
Friend you must be ready 
when it's time to cross that bar.
Saints you gotta get ready
I must be ready
The shout will come
the trumpet sound
the dead will rise from the ground.
This mortal life will be over 
the imperishable will begin.
It's time to go to Heaven 

and forever we'll praise Him.
Have you repented?
And are you forgiven?

If you've called on Him
turned away from sin
Then He's covered you with His blood.
Are you ready?
Dear friend you gotta be ready.
Saints you must be ready
when Jesus comes That Day.
the shout will come from Heaven
and the trumpet blast will be loud.
The Saints will all be risin'
who once were buried in the ground.
And we'll meet Jesus in the clouds
and we'll walk along the way.
Saints you must be ready 
when God's shout comes on That Day.